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Ukraine LotteryЛотерея України

This lottery that has a very promising name was set up in 2001. Up to now, it rates as the most famous Ukrainian lottery game. A fascinating fact worth noting is to remember that the first game structure was different..

Ukranian Lottery offers a genuine chance to win some money. It is run by a national entity and is totally regulated. You do not need to be concerned about anything and the low-ticket cost offers an extra motivation for you to give the lotto a try.Praesent sed lobortis mi. Suspendisse vel placerat ligula. Vivamus ac lacus. Ut vehicula rhoncus elementum. Etiam quis tristique lectus. Aliquam in arcu eget velit pulvinar dict vel in justo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

To manage to play Ukraine Super Loto and have an opportunity of hitting the jackpot, you need to select 6 digits from a pool of 52. The price of one ticket is 8 UAH (about 0.3 US dollars). Draws occur twice each week, on Wednesday and Saturday.To become a prizewinner, players should match a minimum of 2 digits from the drawn 6. Six prize tiers are available and obviously, a larger set of digits that you match for the particular drawing means the amount you shall win will be bigger.